Santa Cruz planning panel endorses La Bahia Hotel plan

Santa Cruz planning panel endorses La Bahia Hotel plan
On behalf of property owner Santa Cruz Seaside Co., French Resources Group proposes saving LaBahia's ornamental bell tower and the ...
Net Servicos to expand presence in state of Bahia
Brazilian cable TV operator Net Servicos is planning to expand its presence in the capital city of the state ofBahia, hoping to reach 30 percent of ...
A Little Slice of Paradise in Bahia Brazil , Luxury Real Estate
Bahia is one of the 26 states of Brazil, and is located in the eastern part of the country on the Atlantic coast. It is the fourth most populous Brazilian state ...
La Voz de Valparaíso

Artista UPLA presenta colorida exposición de esculturas en Valparaíso
La exposición podrá ser visitada hasta el 10 de agosto en la Sala Temporal de la galería de arte “Bahía Utópica”, ubicada en Almirante Montt 372, ...